Saturday, July 18, 2009

Protesting Obama Part 3

So, the day began to wind down. I was sweaty, tired, dehydrated and hoarse. I'd made new friends, caught up with old friends and I think we did some good.

The good we did had nothing to do with Obama. He is not going to listen to anyone that will not vote for him. Unlike George W. Bush, he is not interested in what is best for the country despite his popularity. No, Obama is interested only in what is best for him and his popularity. The first American Idol President is on a quest for power and is trying to repeat FDRs feat of near-dictatorship.

I think the biggest impact we had was on each other. We are beginning to realize as a group that we can work together as conservatives to a common end to improve our country's state and to secure a better future for our children. If we all work together to the purpose of saving our country and preserving the values on which the republic was built, then we can leave a sustainable legacy for our generations to come.

I am most grateful to those that write to me and express gratitude in turn to me. It gives me a sense of community and the feeling that I am actually doing some good that others recognize.

Back tomorrow with the Center Right Meeting!


Friday, July 17, 2009

Protesting Obama Part 2

We walked in a circle and losing our collective voices when the shrieking of a fat liberal rang out from across the street. Shamu was wearing a purple blouse with shorts, which was unfortunate, and in the words of Eminem she had one finger on "each hand up."

Her cursing and gesturing were humorous enough, but when she nearly fell into the main road that separated us I nearly lost it. The fella with the megaphone began to address her concerns in better language than she was using.

As the day wore on I got warmer and warmer. One of the organizers had brought some water, bottled of course, and when we emptied a half dozen or so we sent the empties to the greenies standing on the opposite corner while we shouted "Increase Your Footprint.!"

Media from Lansing, Detroit, Flint and Japan was roving around and I made sure to stick my face in their cameras. The Detroit stations edited me out, probably because on two different occasions I actually spelled out "T-Y-R-A-N-T" very loudly into the camera while leering evilly. I was a little more tame on the Flint and Lansing stations and they broadcast some of what I said. I don't understand why Fox 2 Detroit didn't publish my following rant:

"John Dingell II or the III or whatever is my congressman and," looking directly into the camera, "we're coming after you, you tax hiking, spending, worthless Marxist. The second amendment was designed for tyrants like you and I think we're getting close to fulfilling our duty as citizens and exercising that particular right."

Well, the Fox 2 reporter stepped back a half step and then moved the mic back under my mouth. I called him later that evening and asked him why he didn't have the courage to broadcast my remarks, but he said, "No comment."

More to come tomorrow.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Protesting Obama

I was advised that perhaps I should use this blog as a platform for recording my activities in political activism. I realized that while there are a great number of bloggers and pundits throughout the information superhighway, a great percentage aren't active in the field. Those activists that do all the great work in the field of picket lines, signature gathering, flier distribution and all the other great work they do don't always have the time to blog about it.

So, let us begin with President Obama's appearance at Macomb Community College in Warren Michigan on Tuesday the 14th.

I arrived on campus at 12:20 or so and pulled into one of the main lots. The students and faculty don't have parking permits that I could see and the County Sheriff I spoke with said my car was fine where it was. He showed me where we were allowed to protest, according to the college's free speech zone regulations, and I settled down in my car for a Jimmy Johns sandwich and Rush Limbaugh.

It was a matter of five or ten minutes before the patriots began to gather. It seemed that the huge "Don't Tread on Me" flag being waved by a young man behind my car attracted them like bees to clover. Young, old, dapper, tattered, laughing, frowning, cussing, eloquent, they were of all stripes. I met a bricklayer, 200 retirees, black men, black women, pro-lifers, anti-war morons, greenies and children. Before long the cops came back and asked me how many we were expecting . I told him 200 and he looked at me skeptically. 3 hours later I saw the same cop and he smiled and said, "Oh, 400 or so. Plus those down there.", pointing to the other side of campus. I looked and saw another 150 or so.

We walked and chanted with the help of a good man who's got a great sense of humor and a biting sense of sarcasm. "Did We elect a marxist?!" He bawled into the megaphone. "YES WE DID!!!!!" Came the reply. "Walk in a circle, that's what the liberals do! It makes it look like there's more of us." He ordered. So we did.

(More to Come Tomorrow.)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Conversation with a Black Man

I just had a back and forth email conversation with a fella who I'll henceforth refer to as "Exhibit A". He commented on the recent drop in the polls for Obama as more evidence of our continued American racist mentality.

I, of course, being someone who has difficulty keeping his mouth shut immediately responded by asking Xhibit what race had to do with Obama's falling poll numbers. Xhibit was really quite eloquent when he said, "You are never going to understand."

I explained to Mr. X that I thought the racist take on the falling poll numbers was in itself a racist view, that immediately taking refuge in the weak-minded victim-hooded socialist tradition of race-baiting was in fact bigoted.

After much deliberation and thought, and I'm sure a spell-check, Mr. X said, "LMFAO. There's nothing racist about it. You just don't understand."

My natural reaction to this was, "You're right. I don't understand using race as a means of continuing years of hatred and ignorance, for it is the means by which millions of Africans have been killed by thugs and governments along with ethnic Serbs, etc. etc."

Well, you can imagine that this just infuriated Mr. X. He started calling me names like: "Name Caller, NO-Job guy," and the like. I told him that I work for the man - me. He didn't seem to like this much either. I explained that it is bigots like himself that cause more harm than good and that the Socialist policies of the Democrat party are the cause of continued slavery and oppression in the inner-city and in the rural country.

At this point Mr. X said good-bye, rather, GOOD-BYE!, and I requested him as a friend on Facebook. I don't know if he's going to accept me as a friend, after all, I'm a white guy.

Matt McCormick
Maccor President.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4 Northville Tea Party

Its a great day when patriots from around the state and the country come together to socialize, to rant and to come up with constructive ideas on how to solve this country's problems.

Its a great day when veterans of all ages and all branches of the military are shown respect and are given a hand of gratitude by over a thousand people who appreciate all they have done and still do for us.

Its a great day when we can express our displeasure with our elected officials who are only concerned with the furtherance of their own careers and neglect their true calling: selfless service to the constituency.

Unfortunately in Northville today the Attorney General of Michigan, Mike Cox, tried to turn today's Tea Party in Northville into a personal political event. Not only did AG Cox hold the mic for much longer than the time he had been alloted, he used the platform to lay out his proposed platform for the upcoming election. He took some potshots at Granholm that were received with smatterings of applause, but mostly he focused on himself.

While the AG spoke, operatives from his campaign worked the crowd trying to collect signatures of support from the captive audience. Before and after Cox spoke people took the opportunity to leave the venue in disgust or out of sheer boredom. It is truly unfortunate that this event for the PEOPLE was stolen from the PEOPLE and was misused as a political rally by someone who apparently is quite hungry for power.

I expressed my concern about this mess with the people who were gathering the signatures and then spoke to Cox himself after he finished speaking. I told him to hold onto his hat. He must have understood that I would take him to task from the podium, for he left shortly thereafter.

I wouldn't say that the AG is too chicken to be taken to task in a public venue. I think he just is too, too busy for the Average Guy like myself. He's heard all the rhetoric before I'm sure, most likely in his shower when talking to himself.

I'd like to apologize to the dozens of people I spoke to at the Tea Party who expressed their regret that this event was hijacked by a politician interested in furthering his own political career. Your complaints are not in vain and I will make sure that the AG is aware of them.

God Bless you all for coming and God Bless America.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Obama's New Clothes

Barack Obama is naked and he doesn't even know it. Unfortunately for us neither do most Americans. Is it possible that all of his programs: Healthcare, Cap and Swindle, Porculus, The Confiscation of Chrysler and GM are all smokescreens to steer us away from his real goal? He is creating his own axis of evil with Castro, Ahmadinijad, Chavez and now the deposed President of Honduras.

What Obama is doing seems so obvious to people who choose to pay attention: his naked ambitions for tyranny and dictatorship, but we admire his clothes. We have a desire in this country for sameness in the face of constant change. Look around you. Technology is changing at an ever rapid pace. The ability and means of communication are exploding in their accessibility and convenience. However, we Americans seem to want the status-quo so badly that we don't want to rock the boat enough to question the slow, and more recently the rapid, destruction of our country's values and heritage.

We must WAKE UP NOW. My father has been and continues to be a great influence in my life. He is a conservative now, he's grown into one I think, but he chastises me now for being too radical, too outspoken, too loud. Well, Dad, sorry. I cannot bite my tongue any longer. You see, Dad, MY son's future is now at stake. Your grand children's future is at stake and I still have the youth and energy to despise my government and want to do something about it.

I believe my Dad comes from a different time, a different era. His Dad fought in WWII. My Dad is proud of his country, loves his country, served his country. I love my country, but I'm not sure if I'm proud of it right now. I want to serve my country and I'm afraid that I'm going to have to fight for it to.

We have become complacent as a people and we're becoming what we once despised. Are we willing to be uncomfortable so that we can remain free? How much are we willing to sacrifice to ensure the legacy of our Dads and Moms and Grandparents and Founding Fathers lives into the future? We may have to have our blood spilled. Are we willing?

The Emperor is wearing new clothes. The clothes he wears are woven with the fibers of entitlement and laziness. They're trimmed in illegal-immigration and voter fraud. The cloth is made of tyranny and lies. The tailors are Marx, Engels, Castro, Mao and Lenin. Hitler and Stalin have acted as valets. It is up to us to laugh and point at the Emperor and his new clothes, for they are sewn in deceit and despotism. Join me in pointing.

MW McCormick
President - Maccor of Michigan

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hispanics Beware!

Hispanics - A proud people. God fearing. Family oriented. Amazing work ethic. Independent spirit. Rich culture and traditions. Productive citizens. Loyal patriots. English learners, education seekers, thoughtful voters, earn their keep.
A growing number of Hispanics - Lawbreakers, looking for a handout, welfare beggars, gangster drug dealers, illiterate dropouts, victims, complainers, ingrates, entitled, litigious, used by special interest brokers, godless, broken homes, neighborhood dysfunction, lazy, unproductive, demonstrators on a whim. Teenage gang members, rising prison population.

Civil rights, amnesty, health care, urban education, broken political promises over and over again, political pawns and dupes.

Hispanics Beware!

The people you think can and will help you are exactly the group of people who cannot help you in the long run in a manner which is most valuable to your culture and the American legacy of your people. Nor will they help you when they are able because you are taken for granted. So, what are you doing about it? You are looking at African American culture and its struggles for equality, relevance and empowerment in the US. You are marching, complaining, and becoming hypersensitive to perceived slights in the public square. Anger at having it said swine flu originated this time in Mexico. It did! But we can’t say that out loud just because it’s not nice. It’s better to be those who are attacked by political correctness than those who benefit. It makes you stronger. In the same way that any child whose parents give in to his every tantrum will be of weak character, lacking the necessary metal to succeed in the real world, the victim mentality weakens any group of people who indulge in it. Beware! You are following the wrong model. Look at some of the results of the African American struggle for “equal rights”.

Hispanics beware!

You are being sucked downward into statist-sponsored, institutionalized minority racism (Romantic over classic world view. Now you can be blamed and resented by the majority and other minorities.) Statist political policy you are now impressed to support must adopt a band-aid, piecemeal, reactionary nature as you are forced to ignore the overwhelming anecdotal evidence in favor of conservative principles and policies. The best and brightest of your young can only see advantage in presenting themselves fit for duty in the name of the political exploitation of your culture’s victimhood. Meanwhile, the common among you suffer the inexorable decline of cultural pride as its foundation shifts from your strengths to your weaknesses.
Dropping graduation rates – Why do you support statist public education policies which exploit your children by convincing you that they cannot and therefore should not learn correct Standard English in order to achieve academic excellence and marketplace viability? Instead you support those who fabricate weaknesses for your children so that basic standards of achievement can be altered to their ultimate disfavor.

Urban plight suffered by the Irish then the Jews, now the Blacks and increasingly Hispanics. Statist, anti-business, affirmative action and modern union policies destroy urban business establishment and development. When the ladder burns, those on the bottom drop.

Rising illegitimacy, Make a father contribute to his child’s upbringing. Extended family and church is responsible. No welfare after a year. Hold the private citizenry accountable for private behavior, not the state. Begging and demanding handouts breeds resentment and disrespect, unemployment, drug use, illegitimacy, gang involvement, imprisonment.

You’re insulted by people saying swine flu began in Mexico then what do you say about the history making, partly minority, liberal, Marxist, US president getting good laughs from the partying media correspondents last month by saying Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave him a big hug and kiss on her return from Mexico and advised him to travel to your country right away?

The strongest cultures are those who teach, model, and reward: respect for God and family, hard work and personal responsibility, and fierce independence.
History has shown that the strongest economies are based on free market enterprise that rewards those who earn and deserve, not those who need, want, demand or whine. The needy are the responsibility of compassionate private citizens and family members who must answer to a higher authority than the statist is even willing to acknowledge.

Beware all you who seek to advance yourselves by following the template created by a displaced people who didn’t start from the position of strength occupied by other Americans. You may get what you think you want, but to see what you may give up just look at urban US plight. How is it better since 1960? What has improved? You are following the wrong model.

Hispanics Beware!

You are gradually being turned into the next former-slave contingent and your only value to the statist party more and more of you are supporting comes from your willingness to be weak.

Mark R. McCormick, CEO, MACCOR INC.