Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hispanics Beware!

Hispanics - A proud people. God fearing. Family oriented. Amazing work ethic. Independent spirit. Rich culture and traditions. Productive citizens. Loyal patriots. English learners, education seekers, thoughtful voters, earn their keep.
A growing number of Hispanics - Lawbreakers, looking for a handout, welfare beggars, gangster drug dealers, illiterate dropouts, victims, complainers, ingrates, entitled, litigious, used by special interest brokers, godless, broken homes, neighborhood dysfunction, lazy, unproductive, demonstrators on a whim. Teenage gang members, rising prison population.

Civil rights, amnesty, health care, urban education, broken political promises over and over again, political pawns and dupes.

Hispanics Beware!

The people you think can and will help you are exactly the group of people who cannot help you in the long run in a manner which is most valuable to your culture and the American legacy of your people. Nor will they help you when they are able because you are taken for granted. So, what are you doing about it? You are looking at African American culture and its struggles for equality, relevance and empowerment in the US. You are marching, complaining, and becoming hypersensitive to perceived slights in the public square. Anger at having it said swine flu originated this time in Mexico. It did! But we can’t say that out loud just because it’s not nice. It’s better to be those who are attacked by political correctness than those who benefit. It makes you stronger. In the same way that any child whose parents give in to his every tantrum will be of weak character, lacking the necessary metal to succeed in the real world, the victim mentality weakens any group of people who indulge in it. Beware! You are following the wrong model. Look at some of the results of the African American struggle for “equal rights”.

Hispanics beware!

You are being sucked downward into statist-sponsored, institutionalized minority racism (Romantic over classic world view. Now you can be blamed and resented by the majority and other minorities.) Statist political policy you are now impressed to support must adopt a band-aid, piecemeal, reactionary nature as you are forced to ignore the overwhelming anecdotal evidence in favor of conservative principles and policies. The best and brightest of your young can only see advantage in presenting themselves fit for duty in the name of the political exploitation of your culture’s victimhood. Meanwhile, the common among you suffer the inexorable decline of cultural pride as its foundation shifts from your strengths to your weaknesses.
Dropping graduation rates – Why do you support statist public education policies which exploit your children by convincing you that they cannot and therefore should not learn correct Standard English in order to achieve academic excellence and marketplace viability? Instead you support those who fabricate weaknesses for your children so that basic standards of achievement can be altered to their ultimate disfavor.

Urban plight suffered by the Irish then the Jews, now the Blacks and increasingly Hispanics. Statist, anti-business, affirmative action and modern union policies destroy urban business establishment and development. When the ladder burns, those on the bottom drop.

Rising illegitimacy, Make a father contribute to his child’s upbringing. Extended family and church is responsible. No welfare after a year. Hold the private citizenry accountable for private behavior, not the state. Begging and demanding handouts breeds resentment and disrespect, unemployment, drug use, illegitimacy, gang involvement, imprisonment.

You’re insulted by people saying swine flu began in Mexico then what do you say about the history making, partly minority, liberal, Marxist, US president getting good laughs from the partying media correspondents last month by saying Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave him a big hug and kiss on her return from Mexico and advised him to travel to your country right away?

The strongest cultures are those who teach, model, and reward: respect for God and family, hard work and personal responsibility, and fierce independence.
History has shown that the strongest economies are based on free market enterprise that rewards those who earn and deserve, not those who need, want, demand or whine. The needy are the responsibility of compassionate private citizens and family members who must answer to a higher authority than the statist is even willing to acknowledge.

Beware all you who seek to advance yourselves by following the template created by a displaced people who didn’t start from the position of strength occupied by other Americans. You may get what you think you want, but to see what you may give up just look at urban US plight. How is it better since 1960? What has improved? You are following the wrong model.

Hispanics Beware!

You are gradually being turned into the next former-slave contingent and your only value to the statist party more and more of you are supporting comes from your willingness to be weak.

Mark R. McCormick, CEO, MACCOR INC.

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