Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Obama's New Clothes

Barack Obama is naked and he doesn't even know it. Unfortunately for us neither do most Americans. Is it possible that all of his programs: Healthcare, Cap and Swindle, Porculus, The Confiscation of Chrysler and GM are all smokescreens to steer us away from his real goal? He is creating his own axis of evil with Castro, Ahmadinijad, Chavez and now the deposed President of Honduras.

What Obama is doing seems so obvious to people who choose to pay attention: his naked ambitions for tyranny and dictatorship, but we admire his clothes. We have a desire in this country for sameness in the face of constant change. Look around you. Technology is changing at an ever rapid pace. The ability and means of communication are exploding in their accessibility and convenience. However, we Americans seem to want the status-quo so badly that we don't want to rock the boat enough to question the slow, and more recently the rapid, destruction of our country's values and heritage.

We must WAKE UP NOW. My father has been and continues to be a great influence in my life. He is a conservative now, he's grown into one I think, but he chastises me now for being too radical, too outspoken, too loud. Well, Dad, sorry. I cannot bite my tongue any longer. You see, Dad, MY son's future is now at stake. Your grand children's future is at stake and I still have the youth and energy to despise my government and want to do something about it.

I believe my Dad comes from a different time, a different era. His Dad fought in WWII. My Dad is proud of his country, loves his country, served his country. I love my country, but I'm not sure if I'm proud of it right now. I want to serve my country and I'm afraid that I'm going to have to fight for it to.

We have become complacent as a people and we're becoming what we once despised. Are we willing to be uncomfortable so that we can remain free? How much are we willing to sacrifice to ensure the legacy of our Dads and Moms and Grandparents and Founding Fathers lives into the future? We may have to have our blood spilled. Are we willing?

The Emperor is wearing new clothes. The clothes he wears are woven with the fibers of entitlement and laziness. They're trimmed in illegal-immigration and voter fraud. The cloth is made of tyranny and lies. The tailors are Marx, Engels, Castro, Mao and Lenin. Hitler and Stalin have acted as valets. It is up to us to laugh and point at the Emperor and his new clothes, for they are sewn in deceit and despotism. Join me in pointing.

MW McCormick
President - Maccor of Michigan

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