Saturday, July 18, 2009

Protesting Obama Part 3

So, the day began to wind down. I was sweaty, tired, dehydrated and hoarse. I'd made new friends, caught up with old friends and I think we did some good.

The good we did had nothing to do with Obama. He is not going to listen to anyone that will not vote for him. Unlike George W. Bush, he is not interested in what is best for the country despite his popularity. No, Obama is interested only in what is best for him and his popularity. The first American Idol President is on a quest for power and is trying to repeat FDRs feat of near-dictatorship.

I think the biggest impact we had was on each other. We are beginning to realize as a group that we can work together as conservatives to a common end to improve our country's state and to secure a better future for our children. If we all work together to the purpose of saving our country and preserving the values on which the republic was built, then we can leave a sustainable legacy for our generations to come.

I am most grateful to those that write to me and express gratitude in turn to me. It gives me a sense of community and the feeling that I am actually doing some good that others recognize.

Back tomorrow with the Center Right Meeting!


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